Sprint Planning: What It Is, How It’s Done, and a Free Template

 In Software development

The rest of the programmers can work on the large items, handing them over to testers whenever possible. By the end of sprint planning, the team selects how much work they can do in the coming sprint. Sprint planning is the meeting of the Scrum team to set goals for the next Sprint, which products to execute first, and sprint planning meeting agenda how to do that effectively. Scrum master plans the entire session — place, time, duration and presents the meeting agenda to the participants ahead. Planning meetings include Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Developers. Use agile estimation techniques and story points to better understand workload and capacity.


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Therefore, stories should not be incomplete or process-based as a horizontal slice. The sprint planning meeting should establish a conducive environment that motivates the workers to accomplish their goals. During the sprint planning meeting, the user stories, which are approved and estimated are taken up for discussion by the scrum team. Scrum team members review the estimation made to select the user stories they plan to work on in the sprint, based on their skills and experience. New stories might have been added to the product backlog as a result of sprint review feedback. Different stories might exist on the product backlog after those stories were split.

Align sprint goals with overall product goals 🎉

They help the development team stay on track in each sprint, ensuring everyone gets the most out of the process. The Scrum team works together to complete the amount of work decided on during sprint planning. To ensure everyone remains on track and on the same page, daily stand-ups are held each day. This provides an opportunity for team members to address any issues or potential bottlenecks that could keep work from running smoothly. After that, the scrum master picks items from the product backlog that matches the established sprint goal.

Start scaling back by asking people to sign up for only about half of the tasks in the sprint. One problem with velocity-based print planning is that velocity bounces around from https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ sprint to sprint. For example, suppose a basketball team is in the middle of their season. They’ve scored an average of 98 points per game through the 41 games thus far.

Know your team’s true capacity for the upcoming sprint

Before planning the Sprint, the Product Owner role should have already prioritized the items. The User Stories at the top of the list are the most important. The purpose of the Sprint Planning event is to plan and prepare the work for the upcoming sprint. The planning is done on a group basis, and the whole Scrum Team is involved. This meeting is one of the foundations of the self-organization idea.

Sprint planning meeting explanation

Generally, sprint meetings last one to two hours for every week of a sprint. For instance, if your sprint is two weeks long, the sprint planning meeting should take no more than four hours. If you have a two-week sprint, run a backlog refinement meeting in the middle of the sprint. It’s great for the team to step back from the sprint and look at what’s next. Not only does it help prepare for sprint planning, but also can give a different perspective for the current work. Meet with the team members before the actual sprint planning meeting and set the expectations for the sprint.

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Short sprints allow making changes according to the situation and the customer demands. Rapid business development requires flexibility, and reaching short-term goals helps to achieve that. Sprints in project management provide higher productivity and efficiency. They allow making improvements continuously, which affects productivity. Projects following the Agile approach are about 28 percent more successful than others.

  • The sprint goal describes the objective of the sprint at a high level, but the backlog Items can also be written with an outcome in mind.
  • These meetings also allow the Scrum master to continue coaching team members on refined processes or techniques they may have overlooked.
  • Let us know if you have any questions about Easy Agile TeamRhythm.
  • The different teams have many variations of estimating the time it takes to develop the Product Backlog Items.
  • Complete the meeting form by describing the discussion and conclusion for each agenda topic.
  • The statistics are crucial to estimate the potential impact on the sprint velocity.

Empirical processes are very hard to plan, so don’t kid yourself–you can’t build the perfect plan. It does not have to be hard, even if the problem you are solving is. Explore using different estimation techniques such as t-shirt sizing or story points. Different techniques might provide different views of the problem. With end of support for our Server products fast approaching, create a winning plan for your Cloud migration with the Atlassian Migration Program. The next step was to create a dashboard that allowed widgets from different products to be integrated into a single overview.

Sprint Backlog

He has extensive experience with Asana, Trello, ClickUp, Google Sheets, HubSpot, Intercom, Mailchimp, and more. Nick often serves as an improvised project manager for Unito’s marketing team, and Asana is his weapon of choice. When he’s not writing for the Unito blog, Nick is either working on his latest novel or obsessing over building a self-sustaining homestead in an undisclosed location. In step 2, you are required to select the User Stories to be included in the sprint backlog. Perform the steps below to create and initiate a sprint for your scrum project.

Sprint planning meeting explanation

Want to make sure you reap all the benefits of your sprint planning meeting without running into too many challenges? After planning a sprint, all team members should have a shared understanding of what is being worked on and what is expected of them. This meeting lays out the work and the plan for how that work is going to be completed, leaving little room for misinterpretation. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why these meetings are so effective.

Consider Flow of Work in Sprint Planning

In step 4, you are required to define the sprint deliverables to be created in the next sprint. If you do not see a User Story here, make sure its status has been set Approved. You can update the status of User Story under the work item Manage User Stories. Sprint Planning aims to decide the deliverables for the upcoming sprint and define a plan to develop the work.

Sprint planning meeting explanation

Otherwise, the team will take much longer to estimate or provide much bigger estimates next time. Better sprint planning and retrospectives with user story maps in Jira. Knowing your team’s capacity for the work they can commit to is critical for successful planning. This should not be based solely on past sprint velocity because each sprint is different. The backlog grooming ceremony is a much better time to scope and estimate stories before they’re pulled into a sprint.

Strong Sprint Planning makes your project stronger

If there isn’t room for flexibility, something has gone seriously wrong. Your Training Advisor will be in touch to discuss your upskilling needs and develop a plan to help you meet those needs. Complete the meeting form by describing the discussion and conclusion for each agenda topic. To do this, click on Complete Step at the bottom right corner, and then select Complete from the popup menu. Hold the meeting on the same day and at the same time every time.

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